MSBIA HomeFront April 2018

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April 11, 2018
The advocacy that your MSBIA performs on the local, state and national levels is evident in many successes. Earlier this year, a strong contingent of your membership went to Tallahassee to represent you in matters of important legislation during the legislative session. The following are the major bills that passed this past session by both the House and Senate and approved by the Governor. All but one has been acted upon by the Governor, and we are confident he will sign that bill as well.
  • State Assumption of 404 Dredge and Fill Permits: This bill allows the State Department of Environmental Regulation to assume 404 dredge and fill permits from the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Assumption of these duties will be pending a memorandum of understanding between the two agencies.
  • Statute of Repose: In response to last year’s changes, it clarifies that punch list and warranty services to not stall the tolling of the statute of repose timeframes.
  • Condominium Bulk Buyer Sunset Repeal: A provision in this bill removes the sunset date of the bulk buyer provisions. A priority of our high-rise members in South Florida and a long-standing priority of the FHBA.
  • Apprenticeship Programs Counting Towards High School Graduation: This bill allows certain approved apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs to count towards high school graduation credits.
    • Pending gubernatorial approval as HB 577. 
A bill being signed into law does not signal the end of our advocacy efforts on an issue. The bill allowing the state to assume 404 dredge and fill permits is an excellent example. Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) must now negotiate a memorandum of understanding with the Army Corps of Engineers. FHBA is an active participant in the coalition monitoring DEP’s activities.
This Thursday April 12th, we are holding our annual Legislative Update Luncheon at the Sarasota Yacht Club. Take the time to join us to show your support for our legislators, and remember, if you are not at the table, you are the meal.

Jon Mast, (941) 907-4133