MSBIA HomeFront September 2017

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September 05, 2017

We are once again face-to-face with human tragedy in the form of Hurricane Harvey that slammed into Texas this past week. I am reminded that my problems are insignificant compared to those that have been so adversely affected. 

Sure, there is still pain in what we are enduring, but hopefully we can see beyond our own issues and support those in need. 

As we continue to watch and wait for the appropriate time to help, please consider joining us, the FHBA and NAHB in coordinated efforts to put forth our energy in this massive recovery effort. The rebuilding and restoration of the Texas Gulf Coast will be a huge undertaking, and will require donations of time in the form of volunteerism, and donations of money.

We want to support our fellow Texas Building Associations in rebuilding their communities. 

Hug your family and friends and help those around you.


Jon Mast, CEO, (941) 907-4133